General Copyright Statement.
Copyright © in all material (including text and images) appearing on this web site is owned by Cliff Ruddell, and all rights in relation to all such material are hereby expressly reserved.
No material appearing on this site may be modified, reproduced or transmitted in any form or medium (whether known now or not) or by any means without Cliff Ruddell's written permission, save for transmission by end users accessing this site for purely personal reasons, or for the purpose of purchasing products advertised for sale on this site.
Written permission must also be obtained from Cliff Ruddell before any material on this site is stored, albeit temporarily, in a backup system of any kind.
Where copyright is held by a third party (eg Jaguar Cars Limited) and only displayed by their permission, written authorisation will also need to be obtained from the said third party for any reproduction, transmission or storage in a retrieval system.